Online translation
All Adwisers were given personalized digital visuals to share on their social media, making them even more the face of Emerce success. Through various platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram, our Digital Brains shared their personalized visuals with accompanying texts, where a sense of pride was evident.

We had the campaign image and accompanying tagline reflected in all sorts of places. On the Adwise social media channels, in the email signatures and on the screens in our headquarters. This made the crucial piece campaign highly visible to visitors as well.
Offline translation
Each of our 140 Digital Brains received a personalized puzzle piece with a personalized thank you letter. In addition to thanking everyone personally in it for their collective Emerce100 success, the campaign concept explained. The puzzle piece that symbolized the recipient's crucial contribution was to be taken to Adwise headquarters to complete the physical puzzle together.

After all the tickets were sent out, the puzzle hype slowly took hold at headquarters. Adwisers hit the puzzles en masse, with everyone activating each other to take the missing puzzle pieces and help complete the puzzle.